lowering (generally to between 0 and -4° C) the temperature of a wine to facilitate precipitation of tartrates and temporarily ensure the microbiological stability of a wine
Remuage or riddling:
a practice used in the production of Classic Method sparkling wines. The bottles are rotated by about one-eighth of a turn (by hand or with appropriate machinery) in order to slowly precipitate deposits into the crown cap on the bottle, prior to removing by means of the process of disgorgement
Residual sugar:
it’s the quantity of sugar that remains in the finished wine after undergoing fermentation. The classification of sparkling wines according to the residual sugar is as follows: Brut Nature (Pas Dosé) <3 g/l, Extra Brut 0 to 6 g/l, Brut <12 g/l, Extra Dry 12 to 17 g/l, Sec or Dry 17 to 32 g/l, Demi-Sec 32 to 50 g/l, Doux> 50 g/l. For semi-sparkling wines the classification is as follows: Dry 0 to 15 g/l, Semi-dry 12 to 35 g/l, Semi-sweet 30 to 50 g/l, Sweet > 45 g/l